Set of mini-services for student and universities for pay of study, host.
2016 - 2017
Implement a set of tools to automate financial transactions between students and educational institutions.
During the work on the project for the university, we completed all the tasks: we designed the product completely, recreated a clickable prototype, developed the product itself in the format of a web application, integrated with acquiring VsePlatezhi. We tested the product on real users, but unfortunately it turned out to be unclaimed.
We were faced with the task of developing our own intra-university ecosystem, creating a separate product for automation and payment costs from students. I have known the team for a long time, first of all, the manager Yuri, who was a graduate of our university. As the head of IT at our university, I assigned this task to Yura and his team, I knew that the guys would not let me down and would cope.
Sale of security systems.
UX&UI Design